Hello Gophers and happy spring! ! If you'd like to give a talk - submit your proposals here. If you'd like to suggest topics for the fishbowl session - submit your topic here. You are also encouraged to talk to us via the Gophers slack at the #berlin channel. Agenda 18:30-19:15 Drinks, pizzas and networking 19:15-19:30 Welcome words from NewStore 19:30-20:00 Ways to do things / Peter Bourg
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Hello Gophers and happy spring!
If you'd like to give a talk - submit your proposals here.
If you'd like to suggest topics for the fishbowl session - submit your topic here.
You are also encouraged to talk to us via the Gophers slack at the #berlin channel.
18:30-19:15 Drinks, pizzas and networking
19:15-19:30 Welcome words from NewStore
19:30-20:00 Ways to do things / Peter Bourgon
Never start a goroutine without knowing how it will end! This mini-talk is about different ways to write autonomous components, and how to manage their lifecycles.
20:00-20:30 Announcements, HR lost and found and break
20:30-21:00 From ORM to LEFT OUTER JOIN - how we grew with Go / Jan-Oliver Pantel
Chronicling our (NewStore) journey learning Go and writing production ready code
21:00-end Networking
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