September Golang meetup

GDG Berlin Golang

Hello Gophers, This month we'd love to hear your thoughts from Golang UK](! We also have a discount code for [dotGo. ! If you'd like to give a talk - submit your proposals here. This month we'd love to hear your thoughts about the Golang UK sessions - whether if you attended the talks or watched them on the conference YouTube channel. If you'd like to suggest topics

Sep 27, 2017, 4:45 – 7:45 PM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event

Hello Gophers,

This month we'd love to hear your thoughts from Golang UK! We also have a discount code for dotGo.

If you'd like to give a talk - submit your proposals here.
This month we'd love to hear your thoughts about the Golang UK sessions - whether if you attended the talks or watched them on the conference YouTube channel.

If you'd like to suggest topics for the fishbowl session - submit your topic here.

If you have more ideas - talk to us at the Gophers slack in the #berlin channel and follow us on twitter!


18:45-19:15 networking over drinks and pizza

19:15-19:30 Welcome words

19:30-20:00 Go at home24 / Tuna Celik

20:00-20:30 Announcements, HR lost & found, break

20:30-21:00 Making Code Write Itself: How To Build Code Generation Tools in Go / Bouke van der Bijl

As a long-time user of Go, I am a huge fan of how its built-in templating system is powerful and easy-to-use. However, it’s far from perfect: it can be slow and failure-prone because it interprets templates at runtime. A better solution would be a statically compiled template that combines the benefits of writing code by hand, while also being simple and fast to use.

Rather than creating yet another templating system in Go (did we need another one?) I took this as a learning opportunity to write a static compiler for Go templates. The whole process took me about a two weeks, and I ended up creating Statictemplate, a tool that performs static compilation to improve performance, while still supporting all of the Go templating features.

In this talk, I want to show how to use Statictemplate and I also want to share my journey writing it, in hopes of encouraging others into crafting their own tools in Go. Some of the things I’ve learned include:

* How to write a code generator, while ensuring type safety.
* How to statically analyze go types.
* How much faster static code can be compared to dynamically interpreted.
* How to call private functions (don’t tell anyone!).

21:00-end Networking

About our speakers:

Tuna Celik, home24
Tuna is a long time backend developer with a deep and broad background and former CEO and CTO of JAKPARK SOLUTIONS (Turkey). After relocating to Berlin he is currently developing Go micro services for e-commerce solutions at home24.

Bouke van der Bijl, Shopify, @BvdBijl
Bouke is a jack of all trades, master of some at Shopify. He uses Go in his day-to-day work, has written multiple blog posts on the subject, and published multiple semi-serious packages for Go, including one that allows you to monkey patch Go functions (don’t use it).


The Organizers™


  • Natalie Pistunovich

    Independent Consultant


  • Ole Bulbuk

    Ardan Labs


  • Tim Scheuermann



  • Anderson Queiroz


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