October Golang meetup

GDG Berlin Golang

Hello Gophers, Happy Autumn! Let's meet and brainstorm about our personal project plans for the cold season, and hear some great talks about Tomato and Prometheus. If you'd like to give a talk - submit your proposals here: http://goo.gl/forms/54YvJT223F If you'd like to suggest topics for the fishbowl session - submit your topic here: https://goo.gl/lORsp6 If you have more ideas - talk to us

Oct 10, 2018, 5:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

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About this event

Hello Gophers,
Happy Autumn!

Let's meet and brainstorm about our personal project plans for the cold season, and hear some great talks about Tomato and Prometheus.

If you'd like to give a talk - submit your proposals here: http://goo.gl/forms/54YvJT223F

If you'd like to suggest topics for the fishbowl session - submit your topic here: https://goo.gl/lORsp6

If you have more ideas - talk to us at the Gophers slack: https://gophersinvite.herokuapp.com/ in the #berlin channel, and follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/gdgberlingolang


18:45-19:15 Networking over drinks and pizza

19:15-19:30 Welcome words

19:30-20:00 Keep your application healthy with Tomato / Ali Reza Yahya

Having integration test for your application use to be very costly, and time consuming. Tomato is a go project, that helps you eliminate that cost, and try to keep your application away from unexpected behavior, along with human readable written scenario, that would makes your you, QA, or anyone that care to know about how your application works happy. And of course, fasten up your development.


20:00-20:30 Announcements, HR lost & found, break

20:30-21:00 Lock-free atomic observations for Prometheus histograms in Go / Björn “Beorn” Rabenstein

The title sounds like technobabble but it is in fact a real-life application of lock-free (or even wait-free) concurrent programming in Go, which should be fairly interesting to study.


21:00-end Networking


Ali Reza Yahya (@alileza) is a software engineer that loves to break things, that is the reason I'm really into monitoring, testing, release process, and anything that allow us to break things gracefully. He's been working with Go in the last 2 years, and fell in love with it ever since.

Björn Rabenstein is a Production Engineer at SoundCloud and a Prometheus developer. Previously, Björn was a Site Reliability Engineer at Google and a number cruncher for science.

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