[YOU DON'T NEED TO ATTEND THE CONFERENCE TO ATTEND OUR MEETUP ; DOOR CAP: 120 ATTENDEES] Hello Gophers, GoDays (https://www.godays.io/) is in town so let's get together with Women Who Go Berlin (https://www.meetup.com/Women-Who-Go-Berlin/events/257369350/) to hear talks from some cool speakers! Talk to us at the Gophers slack: https://gophersinvite.herokuapp.com/ in the #berlin channel, and fol
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Hello Gophers,
GoDays (https://www.godays.io/) is in town so let's get together with Women Who Go Berlin (https://www.meetup.com/Women-Who-Go-Berlin/events/257369350/) to hear talks from some cool speakers!
Talk to us at the Gophers slack: https://gophersinvite.herokuapp.com/ in the #berlin channel, and follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/gdgberlingolang
19:00-19:25 Networking over drinks and pizza
19:25-19:30 Welcome words
19:30-20:00 Go Modules: What They Are And Why You Should Care / Ellen Körbes
Package management has been a contentious topic in the Go community from day one. Let's take a look at a potential solution coming out in Go 1.11, called "modules." We'll discuss what they are, how to start using them, check out some examples, and see where they stand against the alternatives. Attendees will hopefully come out knowing whether this feature fits their particular case, and if so, how to implement it.
20:00-20:30 Announcements, HR lost & found, break
20:30-20:50 GRPC for the Web / Luk Burchard
REST and JavaScript pushed JSON as an independent format, making it the de-facto standard for designing web focused APIs. Tools like OpenAPI allow the typing of such API endpoints but are overly complex, hard to reason about, thus often not used. gRPC has proven itself in the backend using typed definitions and code generation. grpc-web allows using gRPC semantics from the frontend to the backend without losing development speed and type safety.
20:50-21:00 Observability in the Kitchen / Daisy Tsang
How can you leverage sensors, open-source software, and Go to improve your kitchen skills? This short talk explores the relationship between bread-making, humidity, and temperature, and how one can use monitoring tools to gain insight into the lively world of sourdough cultures.
21:00-end Networking
Ellen Körbes works with developer relations at Garden. They're a writer, speaker, Go instructor, and Kubernetes enthusiast. A native of Brazil, they're deeply involved with diversity and inclusiveness in tech. http://ellenkorbes.com/
Daisy Tsang is a software developer and writer. She loves open-source software, community work, and learning new technologies. Her non-technical interests include picking up new natural languages, knitting, and baking. https://infoverload.ca
Luk Burchard is a student, software engineer and founder working on improving developer experiences. https://lbb.sh/
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As a German ISP, SysEleven takes responsibility for applications to run reliably, efficiently and securely. For this, SysEleven provides a premium technology stack that involves: Managed Cloud Services, an OpenStack Public Cloud, Kubernetes as a Service and Carrier Services – everything exclusively operated in German data centers.
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