Monthly Berlindroid meetup

SumUp Services GmbH, 8 Koppenstraße, Berlin, 10243

GDG Berlin Android

The oldest Android developer meetup in town 🤘 We will meet at a community-friendly location, where our community can share knowledge and experience. Contact the organizers if you or your company can host us. The same goes for possible presenters/ speakers.

Oct 25, 2023, 5:00 – 9:00 PM

72 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

The oldest Android developer meetup in town 🤘And thank you very much to SumUp for providing venue for this month!

We will meet at a community-friendly location, where our community can share knowledge and experience. Contact the organizers if you or your company can host us. The same goes for possible presenters/ speakers.


Building KMM App with Compose Multiplatform by Mehmet Burak Akgün

I will be sharing an example concept of a KMM app and a Compose for iOS demo. Building Kotlin Multiplatform App with Compose Multiplatform

A Gradle plugin is something that we use every day, but have you ever considered how they're created? What's behind the magic of the Kotlin DSLs provided by the plugins we use daily?

Crash Course in building your first Gradle plugin by Iury Souza

In this talk, we'll try to uncover the magic behind the Gradle plugin APIs and how to use them to build your own plugin. We'll explore the process of developing, debugging, testing, and finally publishing your grade plugin just like any other piece of software.

By the end of this, you'll learn how you can turn that custom Gradle task you've been copying and pasting across projects into a fully-fledged Gradle plugin!



Wednesday, October 25, 2023
5:00 PM – 9:00 PM UTC


  • Mario Bodemann

    Deutsche Telekom

    GDG Organizer

  • Louis Tsai

    Zalando SE

    Android Developer

  • Matthias Geisler


  • Milos Marinkovic

    Delivery Hero


Contact Us

Featured Attendees

  • Shagufta Mubasher

    Flix SE

    Senior Engineering Manager

  • Joyson Fernandes

    Hello Fresh SE

    Software Engineer