Join us for our last meetup of 2019! As always we will have two sweet talks: \- Mootaz Ltaief: Robot pattern and how to write better and more maintainable tests Testing your app is very important, but usually overlooked. Sometimes this is because the developer simply doesn’t know where to start. In this talk, we will discover how the robot pattern will help us write stable, readable, and mainta
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Join us for our last meetup of 2019!
As always we will have two sweet talks:
- Mootaz Ltaief: Robot pattern and how to write better and more maintainable tests
Testing your app is very important, but usually overlooked. Sometimes this is because the developer simply doesn’t know where to start. In this talk, we will discover how the robot pattern will help us write stable, readable, and maintainable tests and have a better test coverage for our code.
- Tobias Preuß: Getting started with building your own standalone Gradle plugin
Gradle is the build system which we use for Android development. It comes with a plugin infrastructure which everyone of us already uses - maybe without knowing. In this talk you will learn about why it can be useful to move certain parts of your build setup into a standa lone Gradle plugin. You will get familiar with the main building blocks (Plugin, Extension) and how to put the parts together. The code examples will be in Kotlin. After the talk you will be able to start your own plugin. You will know where useful documentation can be found and where the friendly community can be contacted for help.
And of course there will be plenty of time to make new friends, chat, and have a drink. We hope to see you there.
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