You've had plenty of time to digest the news announced at Google I/O. Now it's time to meet your fellow Android developers to talk about it. This month we'll have the following three talks: Hasan Hosgel: Google I/O summary Sowmya Guru: Android View Model + Data binding "Data binding library has been around for a while and despite the Google devs claim it 'makes your app faster' many developers
You've had plenty of time to digest the news announced at Google I/O. Now it's time to meet your fellow Android developers to talk about it.
This month we'll have the following three talks:
Hasan Hosgel: Google I/O summary
Sowmya Guru: Android View Model + Data binding
"Data binding library has been around for a while and despite the Google devs claim it 'makes your app faster' many developers are skeptical about trying data binding in production environment. I also notice some qualms about putting data in the XML.
I know the feeling and which is why in my session, I will be demonstrating a small example app which uses MVVM and Data binding and would like to share some whys and hows of Data binding library.
Check out this github repo for example and feel free to review: "
Sebastiano Gottardo: The state of in-app purchases on Android
"At the end of the day, what pays the bills is not the amount of RxJava operators you’ve used, or how cool your Kotlin code looks compared to what you had with Java. What pays the bills is the money you (or the company you work for) earn. As such, join me on a journey that will assess and assert what it means to sell in-app products on Android today, and what it means for the business. We will understand several aspects of their implementation, testing, A/B testing and monitoring, as well as highlighting what we can look forward to in the future (especially after I/O).
Disclaimer: no real money will circulate in this presentation."
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