Berlindroid - Android Developer Meetup

hubraum - tech incubator of Deutsche Telekom, Winterfeldtstraße 21, Berlin, 10781

GDG Berlin Android

This week, we will have two Android talks

Sep 28, 2022, 5:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

15 RSVP'd

Key Themes

AndroidCareer Development

About this event

The oldest Android developer meetup in town 🤘

This week, we will have two Android talks:

Matthias Geisler @bitpogo - Rust on Android? Or how to ship a bug to multiple platforms.

Rust is one of the raising stars in the pantheon of programming languages and grows even into Android lately. But how can we profit on Android from Rust and beyond? This talk marks the beginning (not the End!) of a journey into Rust for Mobile.

Stojan Anastasov - Error Handling Beyond the Standard Library

When building applications it's easy to focus on the happy path and forget about error scenarios. However, in the real world failures happen, and dealing with them is as important as the happy pah.

Kotlin and the standard library offer some approaches for dealing with errors like nullable types and sealed classes. But for many robust applications that might not be enough! I will present the tools and techniques offered by the Arrow library that builds on top and complements what Kotlin offers and helps you achieve composable error handling logic with a minimal amount of boilerplate code.

After attending this talk, you will have yet another tool in your toolbelt that will help you build robust applications.

And thank you so much for Telekom @deutschetelekom for hosting!



Wednesday, September 28, 2022
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)


  • Mario Bodeman


    Android Developer Advocate


Hubraum @ Deutsche Telekom logo

Hubraum @ Deutsche Telekom


  • Mario Bodemann

    Deutsche Telekom

    GDG Organizer

  • Louis Tsai

    Zalando SE

    Android Developer

  • Matthias Geisler


  • Milos Marinkovic

    Delivery Hero


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