Reduce feature failures during your development cycle Pretty Damn Quick by Maria Gutierrez LifecycleOwners and Flows: Cleaning the UI by Dinorah Tovar @ddinorahtovar
The oldest Android developer meetup in town 🤘[ONLINE EVENT]
Reduce feature failures during your development cycle Pretty Damn Quick by Maria Gutierrez
PDQ (Pretty Damn Quick) is a small process that helps teams reduce the amount of issues found during the feature development cycle. In this talk I will explain how you can use it and harness the power of communicating with the team, while decreasing the amount of ticket rejections during the testing phase.
LifecycleOwners and Flows: Cleaning the UI by Dinorah Tovar @ddinorahtovar
In this talk, Dinorah Tovar is going to talk about Stateflow, SharedFlow, and Lifecycle owners and how we can collect them in a safe way inside the UI, taking into special consideration the memory consumed by the collection, also we will address topics about Owners from Activities, fragments and your general application including things like Network!
We are also speaking a little more about how to collect flows using Jetpack Compose
If you have some community announcements, feel free to join meetup and let one of the organisers know.
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)
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