Berlindroid - Android Developer Meetup

GDG Berlin Android

Let's talk about Android development. This month we'll have the following two presentations: Miriam Busch, Muhammed Salih Güler, Álvaro Santisteban Diéguez: **Improving development skills with Udacity's Android Nanodegrees – A team's review** _Udacity and Google collaborated to create two online courses for Android developers: "Android Basics" and "Android Developer". We will share our experienc

Oct 25, 2017, 5:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

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About this event

Let's talk about Android development. This month we'll have the following two presentations:

Miriam Busch, Muhammed Salih Güler, Álvaro Santisteban Diéguez: Improving development skills with Udacity's Android Nanodegrees – A team's review

Udacity and Google collaborated to create two online courses for Android developers: "Android Basics" and "Android Developer". We will share our experiences taking these classes from the points of view of a junior developer, an intermediate developer, a senior developer and their manager.

Stefan Medack: Data Classes and parsing JSON – A Story about converting Models to Kotlin 

Since the announcement of official Kotlin support at Google I/O we can be sure that Kotlin is here to stay and you can already feel the boost this language is getting. At Kitchen Stories we love this uprise and we are migrating our code base gradually to leverage the new features this language provides us.
In this session, I want to take you along the journey on how and why we migrated all our POJOs to POKOs. You will learn how Kotlins data classes, constructor default values and non-nullability can enable a more robust JSON parsing and how you can improve parsing with Moshi.

And of course there will be plenty of time to chat and enjoy a cold beverage or two.

You may also be interested to know that DevFest Berlin is right around the corner. It's a community-driven developer event that is organized by members of the various Google Developer Groups in Berlin. Get your tickets now before they're sold out:


  • Mario Bodemann

    Deutsche Telekom

    GDG Organizer

  • Louis Tsai

    Zalando SE

    Android Developer

  • Matthias Geisler


  • Milos Marinkovic

    Delivery Hero


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