Berlindroid - Android Developer Meetup

GDG Berlin Android

We are back with some knowledge sharing about Flutter and some insights about Kotlin: 1st talk:** Kotlin Testing Robots** by _Ash_ _Following the announcement at this years Google IO we've seen a dramatic uptake in Kotlin and over the last few months we've learnt how we can use it to improve and produce clean architecture applications and supercharge our unit tests, but what about our UI tests?

Sep 27, 2017, 5:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event

We are back with some knowledge sharing about Flutter and some insights about Kotlin:

1st talk: Kotlin Testing Robots by Ash

Following the announcement at this years Google IO we've seen a dramatic uptake in Kotlin and over the last few months we've learnt how we can use it to improve and produce clean architecture applications and supercharge our unit tests, but what about our UI tests?

In this session, I'll show you how you can utilise Kotlin with the Robot pattern to build concise, terse and easy to read UI tests

2nd talk: What's Awesome about Flutter by Wm

Flutter is a new architecture for building fast, beautiful apps that have received over a million downloads mobile  for Android and iOS from Google. This talk will discuss what is new and different about Flutter, and why developers are excited about it.

Come join the fun, learn some things and enjoy an open and social environment about the shinily green robot.


  • Mario Bodemann

    Deutsche Telekom

    GDG Organizer

  • Louis Tsai

    Zalando SE

    Android Developer

  • Matthias Geisler


  • Milos Marinkovic

    Delivery Hero


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