Android Developer Meetup

GDG Berlin Android

This time we would like to invite you to join your fellow Android developers at Onefootball We will start with short presentation by Vane Georgiev about **Working at Onefootball -** _In this presentation, I will explain the steps we take, from ownership and kickoff to delivery, how we retrospect on every step and how we continuously look to improve our game. _ Afterwards Ivan Morgillo gives his

Oct 26, 2016, 5:30 – 8:30 PM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event

This time we would like to invite you to join your fellow Android developers at Onefootball office for talks, drinks and pizza :)

We will start with short presentation by Vane Georgiev about Working at Onefootball -

In this presentation, I will explain the steps we take, from ownership and kickoff to delivery, how we retrospect on every step and how we continuously look to improve our game.

Afterwards Ivan Morgillo gives his presentation Android Reactive Programming with Rx -

In a world where there is a smartphone in every pocket, designing and building applications that can run smoothly and deliver the User Experience that users deserve, is the only way to go. Rx will help you to beat Android platform limitations to create astonishing apps, with concepts that you can equally apply to every platform you work on. This talk will be a practical journey from basic Reactive Programming and Observer Pattern concepts to the main features of Rx, with code examples and a real-world app.

Last but not least Hasan Hosgel presents us Let's Map It! -

You will get an overview, what we can do these days with Google Maps on Android. A small history recap will be given and also a guide for the setup. We will learn, how we can change the styling of the map, using overlays, heat maps, street view and how we can cluster markers.

Like always, we expect some heavy socializing and are similarly happy to see first timers and regular attendees.

Feel free to join, or recommend us to your friends and coworkers. If you know an interesting talk topic, or someone who would like to hold a talk, please either reach out to us in person at the event, or through Twittere-mail, or G+.


  • Mario Bodemann

    Deutsche Telekom

    GDG Organizer

  • Louis Tsai

    Zalando SE

    Android Developer

  • Matthias Geisler


  • Milos Marinkovic

    Delivery Hero


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