Join us as we hear from local professionals who are using Tensorflow in their day to day work Lorenzo leads axial3D Machine Learning team, working on the development of advanced algorithms to analyse patients 3D medical scans, focusing on achieving the highest anatomical fidelity of the 3D printed models as well as help shape the company's product portfolio. With a PhD in Physics, Lorenzo gained
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Join us as we hear from local professionals who are using Tensorflow in their day to day work
Lorenzo leads axial3D Machine Learning team, working on the development of advanced algorithms to analyse patients 3D medical scans, focusing on achieving the highest anatomical fidelity of the 3D printed models as well as help shape the company's product portfolio. With a PhD in Physics, Lorenzo gained experience in companies such as Alert Logic, Mintel as well as within academia.
In this talk we will present the latest developments on three dimensional medical image labelling and syntactic segmentation using fully convolutional neural networks for the detection and recognition of human tissues. We will show how such application is central to the development of a number of key diagnostic tools with a particular focus on 3D printing for pre-operative planning. The necessary hardware required to train and evaluate such system will be reviewed, and how axial3D is using this technology to help clinicians provide better healthcare through the adoption of 3D printing.
Brief intro on axial3D:
axial3D is committed to helping the healthcare sector provide a better service to patients by adopting 3D printing, AI and the most cutting edge image processing technology. We offers a bespoke 3D printing service for radiologists and surgeons, an intuitive and easy to use managed software infrastructure designed for any hospital wanting to set up their own 3D printing lab, as well as a fully automated online anatomy recognition platform that can be used to generate 3D printable files directly from the patient scans. Since its foundation in 2015 by Daniel Crawford, the company has been growing dramatically through seed and series-A investments, collaborations with Academia, medical institutions and private companies, attending numerous conferences and workshops within the healthcare sector as well as promoting AI, 3D printing and new cutting edge technology in the local community of developers and technologists.
Presenter: Jonny Whyte, an R&D software engineer for Mintel with a Physics PhD background, who has been working on ML solutions over the past few years.
Title: From Python to TensorFlow
Description: This talk aims to explain some of the basic machine learning techniques, through writing algorithms using python and numpy, and then show how they translate to the functionalities in TensorFlow, so you have a better idea of what is going on "under the hood".
Presenter : Chris Nixon, a programming nerd interested in everything from embedded development to PL research and all the bits in between
Description : A quick talk about commonly encountered performance pitfalls when starting out with Tensorflow and how to avoid them
*Pizza being provided by our sponsors and friends at University of Ulster*
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