Come join us as we ruminate on I/O 2018! Slightly different format this year. Rather than watching the keynote we're going to have a couple of presenters curating a session and then giving a few talking points/background on it. Emma Mulholland, Organizer of ProductTank and Product Camp Belfast, will be sharing a session on design sprints followed by some of her personal insights into that area
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Come join us as we ruminate on I/O 2018!
Slightly different format this year. Rather than watching the keynote we're going
to have a couple of presenters curating a session and then giving a few talking points/background on it.
Emma Mulholland, Organizer of ProductTank and Product Camp Belfast, will be sharing a session on design sprints followed by some of her personal insights into that area.
Our second session is going to be with Gareth Fleming who is going to keep us abreast of all the excitement and announcements regarding Android
We'll also have a recap of the main news from I/O and the biggest announcements.
HouseKeeping - Remember to use the side door at Ormeau Baths after hours!
ps : it sadly turns out ruminate doesn't mean drink rum
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