Android Study Jams are community-organized study groups for people to learn how to build Android apps, using curriculum provided by Google.
27 RSVP'd
Android Study Jams Learning Tracks:
1. Android Jetpack Learning Track (beginner and intermediate audiences)
2. Android MAD Architecture Learning Track (intermediate and experienced audiences)
Bonus: Guide to Google Developers Android Certifications!
IMPORTANT: Please do not forget to update your RSVP status as this is an invite-only event. You also need to update your unavailability in case you're unable to attend the event.
Sunday, July 10, 2022
4:30 AM – 11:00 AM (UTC)
Blingg Labs
Senior Product Manager
Senior Full-Stack Developer
AV Devs Pvt Ltd.
Android Lead
Senior Full-Stack Developer
Blingg Labs
Senior Product Manager
Organizer, GDG Baroda
AV Devs Pvt Ltd.
Android Lead
Blingg Labs
Senior Product Manager
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