Google I/O Extended + Kotlin Everywhere 2019 Bangangté

GDG Bangangté

Google I/O Extended Bangangté is an event focused on bringing local developer community together to experience the keynote and other main Google I/O sessions, in real-time. We will also offer other unique activities targeted to developers, such as hackathons and codelabs. Want to get started with Kotlin, but don't know where to begin? Join us for our Kotlin/Everywhere event. Together we'll work

Jul 6, 2019, 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

Google I/O Extended Bangangté is an event focused on bringing local developer community together to experience the keynote and other main Google I/O sessions, in real-time. We will also offer other unique activities targeted to developers, such as hackathons and codelabs.

Want to get started with Kotlin, but don't know where to begin? Join us for our Kotlin/Everywhere event.
Together we'll work through several Android / Google Cloud / multi-platform labs.
You will get hands-on experience with Kotlin in Android, multi-platform with Kotlin/Native, Google Cloud Platform and Kotlin/JS.

Bring a laptop (PC, Mac or Chromebook). The labs will run on all of the latest versions of the popular browsers.
For the best experience, make sure your laptop has Chrome or Firefox installed.
Don’t forget your charger!

09:30 - Registration Opens
09:50 - intro to Kotlin Native
10:30 - Web Apps with Firebase
11:15 - Google I/O Keynote Stream
12:00 - Lunch - 45min
01:00 - Flutter
01:30 - Introduction to Cloud
02:15 - Refactoring to Kotlin | Android- Kotlin First | experiences share
03:00 - Break - 15min
03:15 - Android - Jetpack Compose
03:45 - Cross-platform MVP Architecture in Kotlin Multiplatform
04:30 - Close


Welcome :-)




    GDG Organizer

  • Ulrich Waba



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