Taking Deep Learning from Development to Production with Kubeflow

GDG Bangalore

Building production grade, scalable machine learning workflows is a complex and time-consuming task. In this meetup you will learn to build End-to-end Machine Learning Workflows with Kubeflow. You will also learn how to use Kubeflow and discover how it can enable data scientists and machine learning engineers to build end-to-end machine learning workflows and perform rapid experimentation. SPEA

Jun 21, 2020, 5:30 – 7:30 AM (UTC)

45 RSVP'd

Key Themes

CloudMachine Learning

About this event

Building production grade, scalable machine learning workflows is a complex and time-consuming task.

In this meetup you will learn to build End-to-end Machine Learning Workflows with Kubeflow.

You will also learn how to use Kubeflow and discover how it can enable data scientists and machine learning engineers to build end-to-end machine learning workflows and perform rapid experimentation.

SPEAKER: Abhishek Kumar is a data science consultant, author, and Google Developers Expert (GDE) in machine learning.
He holds a master’s degree from the University of California, Berkeley.
He has been featured in the "Top 40 under 40 Data Scientist" list.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/meabhishekkumar/

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IEYWVzqyy8&feature=youtu.be


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