WTM Bambili :Fluttering into the Future Exploring the Possibilities of App Dev

GDG Bambili

WTM Bambili is organizing a Flutter event and a 30day challenge with Flutter

May 20, 2023, 6:00 – 7:00 PM

15 RSVP'd

Key Themes

AndroidFlutterWomen Techmakers

About this event

The event aims to explore the possibilities and potential of Flutter for app development, and will feature talks and workshops led by experts in the field. Attendees will learn about the benefits and challenges of using Flutter, best practices for developing cross-platform apps, and cutting-edge trends and technologies in the mobile app development space. 


  • che Manka'a

    Surs X

    GDG Bambili Lead

  • Stephanie Nkwatoh

    WTM Ambassador

  • Ndze Regina

    NK Digital Agency

    GDG co-organiser

  • Steve Yonkeu

    Django Cameroon

    Web Developer and Data Scientist

  • Hawawou Oumarou

    WTM Co-Organizer

  • Courage Tamanji

    Digital Sphere Inc

    GDG Co-organiser

  • Ndongmo Christian

    GDSC Bamenda Lead

    Software Developer

  • Divina Mbel

    Meta Brains

    GDG Co-organiser

  • Njong Emy

    GDG Co-organiser

  • Ntunyu Serge

    GDG Co-organiser

  • Ihimbru Kanyimi Ihimbru

    GDG Co-organiser

  • Zugem James-Neilen Che

    The Billionaire Advocate

    GDG CO-organiser


    GDG Co-organizer

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