Future of Gaming and Society in the Metaverse

GDG Baku

⚡️Don't forget to take part in the fireside chat with Erkan Bayol. Erkan is the Founder of Metaverse Game Studios. Metaverse Game Studios is a cross-platform game development and publishing company. Currently, they are working on Angelic, a narrative Strategy RPG backed by the blockchain and set in a collaborative sci-fi metaverse👾.

Jan 7, 2022, 2:00 – 3:00 PM (UTC)

34 RSVP'd

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About this event

Buzzwords in tech come and go💥. But some of them stick around. Artificial intelligence, virtual or augmented reality, crypto, blockchain — the list goes on and gets bigger by the day as technology makes bigger strides and evolves faster.

Among the companies that are already first comers in this new economy are gaming companies — namely Epic with its Fortnite game that has been completely transforming virtual games as players know it by creating a convincing, realistic world around the game🚀.

So, with a number of companies and even game designers seeking to develop their own Metaverse, how is this going to fit together in the future if we are to achieve a genuine all-encompassing digital alternative reality🧐?

That is something that will need to be looked at in the future, although we also should not rule out the prospect of a Multiverse, as well as a Metaverse in the future. And that is when things could get really complicated!

⚡️Don't forget to take part in the fireside chat with Erkan Bayol. Erkan is the Founder of Metaverse Game Studios.

Metaverse Game Studios is a cross-platform game development and publishing company. Currently, they are working on Angelic, a narrative Strategy RPG backed by the blockchain and set in a collaborative sci-fi metaverse👾.

📆Janruary 7, 18:00 (UTC +4)

🦸🏻‍♂️Speaker : Erkan Bayol


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    GDG Baku


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    GDG Organizer

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    GDG Organizer

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    GDG Organizer

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