_**NOTE the change of venue! We are meeting at JSA, Level 4, 220 Queen Street.**_ This month we have two interesting talks on a couple of awesome Android libraries. **David Rawson**, Android Developer at Fisher & Paykel Healthcare – **Data visualisation in Android using MPAndroidChart** David will take us through setting up a basic chart through to some heavyweight customisation. ** ** **Jo
NOTE the change of venue! We are meeting at JSA, Level 4, 220 Queen Street.
This month we have two interesting talks on a couple of awesome Android libraries.
David Rawson, Android Developer at Fisher & Paykel Healthcare – Data visualisation in Android using MPAndroidChart
David will take us through setting up a basic chart through to some heavyweight customisation.
Josh Burton, Senior Android Developer for Trade Me Property – MapMe Library
Josh is going to take us through a brief look at his MapMe library.
NOTE the change of venue! We are meeting at JSA, Level 4, 220 Queen Street.
We look forward to catching up! 🍕
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