I/O 2019 Recap

GDG Auckland

Information overload? 🤯 Not to worry; over the next few months we're hosting events to recap some of the content from I/O to help. This month we have a number of lightning talks on: \- Jetpack Compose \- Navigation changes in Android \- Flutter for Web Matt Clarke is going to give us a quick run-down on what Jetpack Compose is and how it could change how you create your UI in Android. Jul

May 22, 2019, 6:00 – 8:00 AM

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About this event

Information overload? 🤯 Not to worry; over the next few months we're hosting events to recap some of the content from I/O to help.

This month we have a number of lightning talks on:
- Jetpack Compose
- Navigation changes in Android
- Flutter for Web

Matt Clarke is going to give us a quick run-down on what Jetpack Compose is and how it could change how you create your UI in Android.

Julius Spencer is going to summarise the upcoming changes to Android’s navigation and what it means to design and implementation of your screens.

Nic Tolentino will cover what Flutter for Web means and how it you can get started, along with current caveats.

Looking forward to seeing you there and a reminder that we are hosting (https://www.meetup.com/GDGAuckland/events/261117378/) the worldwide Flutter hack day (https://flutterhackathon.com) coming up on the 1st June.

GDG Auckland


  • Julius Spencer

    JSA Limited

    Founder / Director

  • Dilum De Silva

    Hectre Group

    Software Engineer

  • Nic Tolentino

    Community Organiser

  • Mark Qiu

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