Certification Study Group - Associate Cloud Engineer: Session 5 - Hands-on Labs

GDG Athlone

Join us for the fifth session of the Certification Study Group - Associate Cloud Engineer where we will focus on several Hands-on Labs required for Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Certification. In this session, you will learn about Google Compute Engine, App Engine, Kubernetes Engine, Serverless Functions, Object Store, SQL and NoSQL databases, Networking and more.

May 23, 2023, 5:00 – 6:00 PM

9 RSVP'd

Key Themes

Career DevelopmentCertification PrepCloudCloud HeroCloud Study JamCommunity Building

About this event

Join us for the fifth session of the Certification Study Group - Associate Cloud Engineer where we will focus on several Hands-on Labs required for Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Certification. In this session, you will learn about Google Compute Engine, App Engine, Kubernetes Engine, Serverless Functions, Object Store, SQL and NoSQL databases, Networking and more.


  • Introduction to Hands-on Labs and their importance in the certification exam
  • Google Compute Engine Hands-on Lab
  • App Engine Hands-on Lab
  • Kubernetes Engine Hands-on Lab
  • Serverless Functions Hands-on Lab
  • Object Store Hands-on Lab
  • SQL and NoSQL databases Hands-on Lab
  • Networking Hands-on Lab
  • Q&A session

With this Certification Study Group, you will get access to 6 live sessions to go through certification content and exam questions, an online community where you can ask questions and share your knowledge, and video courses and hands-on training on Cloud Skills Boost, Google Cloud's training platform.

Attendees of the GDG Athlone Certification Study Group will also receive a 50% discount on examination vouchers when they register for the Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Certification.

RSVP to the event and receive free access to the Cloud Skills Boost platform for 3 calendar months! No access code required. Access will be granted in the month the event is taking place in.

Join us and take your Cloud Computing skills to the next level! Don't forget to invite your friends and colleagues too!

To learn more about other Google Cloud training opportunities offered by Google Developer Groups, please visit this page: gdg.community.dev/road-to-google-dev-certification/


  • Sachin Sadasivan


    Cloud Software Architect


  • David Renton


    GDG Organizer

  • Sachin Sadasivan



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