AI in Engineering & Android Architecture/Repositories

Zone01 Athens, 136 Kidonion, Nea Ionia, 142 34

GDG Athens

💬 Andres Leonardo Martinez Ortiz (almo) - AI for Site Reliability Engineering 💬 Nick Skelton - A Flow First approach to Android Architecture 💬 Enrique López Mañas - Open Source repositories for Android

Nov 7, 2024, 4:30 – 6:30 PM (UTC)

94 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

Another #GDGAthens meetup is just around the corner! Save the date for Thursday, 7th November 2024, between 18:30 - 21:00 and join us (physically). This meetup's agenda is all about AI in Engineering, Android Architecture...and of course pizza and #dev netwoking!❗ This event will be held in English.


👊 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM: Register & Welcome

💬 7:00 PM - 7:30 PM: AI for Site Reliability Engineering

💬 7:30 PM - 8:00 PM: A Flow First approach to Android Architecture

💬 8:00 PM - 8:30 PM: Open Source repositories for Android

🍕 8:30 PM - 9:00 PM: Closing & Networking


⏰ 7:00 PM - 7:30 PM
💬 AI for Site Reliability Engineering
🎤 Andres Leonardo Martinez Ortiz (almo) | Cloud AI SRE at Google
Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is evolving rapidly, and Artificial intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of this transformation. This talk explores how AI is revolutionizing SRE by automating tasks, predicting failures, and optimizing performance.


⏰ 7:30 PM - 8:00 PM
💬 A Flow First approach to Android Architecture
🎤 Nick Skelton | Android Dev

I recently refactored a project to make Flow a first class citizen in an app's architecture. No more handling errors, minimal state storage in places like View Models, just inject the relevant Use Case(s) and away you go. I will go through the benefits of such an approach, as well as the challenges, and how we overcame them.


⏰ 8:00 PM - 8:30 PM
💬 Open Source repositories for Android
🎤 Enrique López Mañas | Android/Kotlin Google Expert



Thursday, November 7, 2024
4:30 PM – 6:30 PM (UTC)


4:30 PM👊 Register & Welcome
5:00 PM💬 AI for Site Reliability Engineering
5:30 PM💬 A Flow First approach to Android Architecture
6:00 PM💬 Open Source repositories for Android


  • Nick Skelton

    Freelance Android Developer & Google Developer Expert for Firebase

  • Andres-Leonardo Martinez-Ortiz


    Developer Relations Program Manager

  • Enrique López

    Software Engineer, Google Developer Expert


  • Magy Kontou

    GDG Athens | Women Techmakers Greece | #IamRemarkable Facilitator

    GDG Organizer

  • Konstantinos Kechagias

    Researcher UoA & Athena Research and Innovation Center | GDG Athens | GDSC UoA | PhD Student at UoA

    GDG Organizer

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