f you are a new graduate .. and is going for a valuable job or still a student in the last year and you aim to prepare for the world after graduation😁 Also, if you were a student in the early years of your university career.. and want to use the years of study in training for the job market what after💁 💁♀️ This event is for you..
لو انت خريج جديد.. و بتدور على وظيفة قيمة ..او لسة طالب فى الفرقة الاخيرة وبتهدف انك تستعد لعالم ما بعد التخرج😁
كمان لو انت طالب فى الفرق الأولى من مسيرتك الجامعية..و عايز تستغل سنوات الدراسة فى التدريب لأجل سوق العمل فيم بعد💁♂️💁♀️
فالحدث دا عشانك..
حيث تعلن كليه حاسبات ومعلومات بالاشتراك مع معهد تكنولوجيا المعلومات(ITI) و GDG_Assuit# عن ملتقي التوظيف والعمل الحر في دورته الاولي
و سيكون خلال هذا الاسبوع...لإلقاء الضوء على فرص العمل المتاحة فى سوق العمل الحالى..وحث الشباب على تحسين رؤيتهم ليها و ازاى يتم الاستعداد عشان يقدروا يحصلوا عليها⭐
حيث سيتواجد خلال الملتقى👇:
🔹خبراء من شركات متعددة لعرض فرص العمل.
🔹متحدثون متميزون فى مجالاتهم..هيكلمونا عن المهارات اللى بسببها قدروا يوصلوا لوظائف قيمة.
عناوين ال sessions:
●Blockchain Technology and Applications
●Bioinformatics career paths
●Mobile Development Industry
●For A Successful Career Path Ask Afifi
●Freelance panel discussion
●How to be a softwareTester?
●career path in software engineering
🔹خبراء فى العمل الحر ..هيعرفونا ازاى نقدر نوصل للشغل ونشتغل ازاى؟
🔹عرض العديد من التدريبات للطلبة ...لضمان الحصول على فرص افضل فيما بعد.
🔹سيتم تكريم الطلبة المتميزين و عرض مشاريعهم.
🔹العديد من المفاجأت التى تنتظركم ❤️🔥..
سيكون ذلك الملتقى يوم الاربع الموافق 25/5..فى القاعه الثمانيه بالمبنى الإدارى..
بدء من الساعة ال 11:00am..🕚
لذلك ترقبوا ذلك الملتقى جيدا...و تابعوا تفاصيله بشكل مستمر💫
للتسجيل : https://bit.ly/Assiut_job_fair
If you are a new graduate .. and is going for a valuable job or still a student in the last year and you aim to prepare for the world after graduation😁
Also, if you were a student in the early years of your university career.. and want to use the years of study in training for the job market what after💁 💁♀️
This event is for you..
Where the College of Computers and Information is announces about partnership with the Information Technology Institute (ITI) and #GDG_Assuit for Employment and Self-employment Forum in its first session And it will be this week... to highlight the vision of all people on the opportunities available around them. It urged them to improve their vision of her and how to prepare well for her⭐.
It will be during the forum👇:
🔹Experts from multiple companies to showcase jobs.
🔹Distinguished speakers in their fields. They will talk to us about the skills that caused them they were able to get to valuable jobs.
●Blockchain Technology and Applications
●Bioinformatics career paths
●Mobile Development Industry
●For A Successful Career Path Ask Afifi
●Freelance panel discussion
●How to be a softwareTester?
●career path in software engineering
🔹Self-employed experts. They will let us know how to get to work and how to work
🔹Offer many exercises for students ... to ensure better opportunities later.
🔹Distinguished students will be honored and presenter their projects.
🔹A lot of surprises await you ❤️ 🔥.
This forum will be on Wednesday, 25/5.. in the eight hall of the administrative building.
Starting at 11:00am. 🕚
So keep an eye on that forum. And follow his details continuously💫
for registration: https://bit.ly/Assiut_job_fair
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM (UTC)
Opening Remarks |
Our graduates |
Honoring |
Projects Demo |
companies panel discussion |
Blockchain Technology and Applications |
Bioinformatics career paths |
Mobile Development Industry |
For A Successful Career Path Ask Afifi |
FreelHow to be a softwareTester?ance panel discussion |
career path in software engineering |
closing |
Lead Bioinformatician @ Academia, Research and Industry
Concordia University
" Research And Teaching AssistantResearch And Teaching Assistant at Concordia University"
Lead Mobile Engineer at Wassma
Machine Learning / Camera Algorithms Engineer at Apple
Software Development Engineer at Amazon
Software testing Engineer at _VOIS
Faculty of Computer and information - Assuit University
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