In honour of International Youth Day we invite you to celebrate it with us at ITEA Academy centre who provides us with a venue for in-person meetup!
30 RSVP'd
Our speakers Jennet and Jelal will try to engage you with TechWorld...Come and join if you're curious about Tensor Flow and Core Web Vitals and wanna get involved in hands on workshop!
Please we recommend you to bring your laptop on this workshop.
Halkara ýaşlar güni mynasybetli biz sizi bile bellemäge çagyrýarys, bu ýerde gürleýjilerimiz Jennet Hemraýewa we Jelal Soltanow, İTEA Akademiýa merkezinde tehnologiya dünýasy bilen sizi gyzyklandyrmaga synanşarlar!
Amala sapaga gatnaşmak üçin notebook getirmegiňizi maslahat berýaris.
Front-end React JS Developer & Automation Tester
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