The Age of AI

GDG Ashgabat

Who gets excited when hearing about “AI?” Sci-fi films like "terminator", "avengers" might come to mind when you hear the term "AI". These films may not seem realistic, but there is a chance it might get to be real in the near future. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is taking the center of the 4th industrial revolution, and it is being applied to various applications such as Intelligent Robots, self

May 31, 2020, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM (UTC)

8 RSVP'd

Key Themes

Machine Learning

About this event

Who gets excited when hearing about “AI?” Sci-fi films like "terminator", "avengers" might come to mind when you hear the term "AI". These films may not seem realistic, but there is a chance it might get to be real in the near future.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is taking the center of the 4th industrial revolution, and it is being applied to various applications such as Intelligent Robots, self-driving cars, AI speakers, IoT devices, etc. In this talk, the basic concepts of AI and Big Data will be introduced. We will talk about the pros and cons of using AI systems, how it got this enormous attention, which industries and companies are using it, and its possible effects on the way we live in the future. Their importance and benefits for businesses will be discussed too.

Target Audience:
Anyone who is interested in technology, computer science, or business.


AI-yň täze eýýamy

AI sözüni eşideňizde siz hem tolgunýarmysyňyz? Ony eşideňizde köpüňiziň ýadyna "Terminator" ýa-da "Avengers" ýaly ylmy fantastika filmler duşýän bolup biler. Bu filmler gaty fantastika ýaly görünüp biler, emma olaryň ýakyn geljekde hakyky bolma ähtimaly hem bar.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) 4-nji senagat rewolýusiýasynyň merkezinde ýer alýar we “Akylly robotlar”, öz-özüni sürýän awtoulaglar, AI gürleýjiler, IoT enjamlary we ş.m. ýaly dürli programmalarda ulanylýar. Bu gepleşikde AI we Big Data-nyň esasy düşünjeleri giriziler. AI ulgamlaryny ulanmagyň oňat we zyýanly taraplary, onuň bu ägirt uly ünsi nädip alandygy, haýsy pudaklaryň we kompaniýalaryň ulanýandygy we geljekde ýaşaýyş durmuşymyza bolup biljek täsirleri barada söhbet ederis. Olaryň kärhanalar üçin ähmiýeti we peýdalary hem ara alnyp maslahatlaşylar.

Çagyrylýan tomaşaçylar:

Tehnologiýa, Informatika ýa-da business bilen gyzyklanýan her bir adam.


  • Maral Hudaybergenova

    Google Developer Group

    GDG & WTM Lead

  • Mahrijamal Gylyjova

    "Sanly kopri" ES

    GDG Organizer

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