Learn Google Cloud / Machine learning -> receive badges and internships!

GDG Ashgabat

Learn Google Cloud / Machine learning -> receive badges and internships!

May 11, 2023, 12:00 PM – May 25, 2023, 8:13 PM

10 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event

1. Go to cloudskillsboost.google to receive free training & earn badges:


2. Get to the list of top 20 people earned the most badges and receive guaranteed internship at Central Asia Partner companies.

3. Each badge you earn submit here. Submit five badges and receive a certificate.

4. Top performers list will be published bi weekly on this web-site.

5. Awards ceremony in July and November will be conducted in the city of Central Asia with the most badges.


  • Maral Hudaybergenova

    Google Developer Group

    GDG & WTM Lead

  • Mahrijamal Gylyjova

    "Sanly kopri" ES

    GDG Organizer

  • Saparguly Mahtumov

    Google Developer Groups


Contact Us

Featured Attendee

  • Jalpa Kumari

    Mehran University of engineering and technology jamshoro
