Introduction to GitHub

GDG Ashgabat

Hey folks! Wanna hangout? Ahmet Tachmuradov and Yazgeldi Seyidov will be with us "Hanging out with GitHub!":) ⠀ They're inviting you to talk about world’s leading software development platform - GitHub, where you can discover well & liitle-known, unknown, wrong & correctly-known feauture and learning and so on... ⠀ Millions of developers around the world together discover, share, and build

May 9, 2020, 3:00 – 4:30 PM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

Hey folks! Wanna hangout? Ahmet Tachmuradov and Yazgeldi Seyidov will be with us "Hanging out with GitHub!":)

They're inviting you to talk about world’s leading software development platform - GitHub, where you can discover well & liitle-known, unknown, wrong & correctly-known feauture and learning and so on...

Millions of developers around the world together discover, share, and build better software using GitHub. This webinar will help you to find answers to questions such as:

✅ what is GitHub?
✅ how to get started?
✅ why is it important to use GitHub?

Join us if you're not acquainted with GitHub yet or just new starter developers/software engineers!

Yazgeldi, software engineer graduate, passionate about Front-End Web Development, JavaScript, React, Gatsby, Jekyll, etc...

Ahmet is pursuing his Master’s degree in Software Engineering and works as a Graduate Assistant at Lewis University, Romeoville, Illinois.
Enjoys exploring, learning and creating...also interested in sociology and history.

Subscribe on our GDG Ashgabat youtube channel and set up a reminder now:

🗓️May 9

🕓 20:00 GTM+5


Dünýäniň öňdebaryjy programma üpjünçiligini ösdürmek platformasy - GitHub bilen tanyşlyga sizi Yazgeldi Seyidov we Ahmet Tachmuradov çagyrýarlar!

Bütin dünýäde millionlarça işläp düzüjiler (programmaçylar) GitHub-yň kömegi bilen bilelikde has gowy programma üpjünçiligini anyklaýarlar, paýlaşýarlar we gurýarlar. Bu webinarda siz şu soraglara jogap tapyp bilersiňiz:

✅GitHub näme?
✅GitHub-a nädip başlamaly?
✅Näme üçin GitHub ulanmak möhüm?

Bu webinar esasan heniz GitHub bilen tanyş bolmadyk şahsyýetlere, ýaş döredijiler (developer)/ programma üpjünçiligi inženerleri üçin peýdaly bolar.

Ýazgeldi programma üpjünçiligi inženerçiligi bölüminiň uçurymy we Front-End web işläp düzüşi, JavaScript, React, Gatsby, Jekyll we ş.m technologiýalar bilen gyzyklanýar.

Ahmet häzirki wagtda programma üpjünçiligi ugry boýunça magistr derejesini almagyň ugrunda we Illinoýs ştatynyň Romeowil şäherinde Lewis uniwersitetinde aspirant bolup işleýär. Boş wagtlary gözlegden, öwrenmekden we döretmekden lezzet alýar...

Spikerlerimiz bilen has ýakyndan tanyşmak isleseňiz aşakdaky link boýunça olaryʼn portfolio we profillerini görüp bilersiňiz:

9-nji May, sagat 20:00, GDG Ashgabat Youtube kanalymyzda janly ýaýlymy sypdyrmazlygyňyz üçin şu wagt ýazylyň❗



  • Maral Hudaybergenova

    Google Developer Group

    GDG & WTM Lead

  • Mahrijamal Gylyjova

    "Sanly kopri" ES

    GDG Organizer

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