Will be having a virtual meetup to talk about modern PHP and the most popular PHP framework call Laravel, we understand that most persons in our community makes use of PHP as their go-to tool for building client website, also some startups here in Asaba that we all make use of a built using this piece of tech e.g OliliFood.
16 RSVP'd
This Tuesday by 6pm we will be having a virtual meetup to talk about modern PHP and the most popular PHP framework call Laravel, we understand that most persons in our community makes use of PHP as their go-to tool for building client website, also some startups here in Asaba that we all make use of a built using this piece of tech e.g OliliFood. So during the meeting up we are going to talk about PHP and you can ask questions because senior engineers in our community will be discussing tips and other things about Laravel that you don't want to miss
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