Registration/Breakfast | |
Introductions | |
Sustainable Developer Communities with GDG | |
Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence - Simplified – Naresh Jasotani, Google | Google Cloud ML/AI ecosystem Join this session to understand: Google Platform AI Building Blocks Machine Learning using SQL with BigQuery ML Model Explainability AI using SQL No-code Machine Learning with AutoML Automate your ML workflows Leverage pre-trained models to Productionize AI applications faster |
They promised us Jetpacks, Godfrey Nolan – RIIS LLC | Over the past few years the number of new Android Jetpacks has exploded. For many developers who may not have been paying attention the modern Android platform has become unrecognizable. In this session we look at what it takes to add as many different Jetpacks as we can to a simple public transit app. Using this example we aim to help developers quickly get up to speed and increase their MAD skills. We'll also explain the reasons why each Jetpack makes your life easier and your end users happier. |
Taking your Proof of Concept to the next level; Tips from a UX Designer – Erica Olson, Little Caesars | |
Automating Conversation with AI Bot – Nilesh Patel, Google | Learn the latest trends in Conversational AI and how Google approaches these to make automation part of your developer toolbox. During this session, you will learn about automating end user interactions through voice and text to achieve automated natural language conversation using Google’s Natural Language Understanding ( NLU) and Natural Language Processing ( NLP) engine and how you can implement it in your business using Dialogflow platform. I will demonstrate how quickly you can build your first AI bot using natural conversation. |
Intro to WidgetKit – Chad Hamdan, Little Caesars | After this session, you’ll have a better understanding of everything you need to start expanding upon your application with a Widget: - iOS Widget use cases - Creating a Widget target for your existing app/project - Common WidgetKit functions and classes - Sending Data from your Application to your Widget - Generating Widget timelines/Automatically Refreshing data - Making network calls from a Widget |
What's new in TensorFlow 2.11? | Josh is excited to meet you and chat about how TensorFlow (or ML in general) can be used in your projects! After the sessions, he's looking forward to speaking with you 1:1 or in small groups. The goal of this quick talk is to share new features in TensorFlow 2.11 (that might be useful in your projects!), and to seed topics for conversation topics for later in the day. |
Google Cloud Architecture Overview – David Mahi, Google | This talk will help you understand Google Cloud and make design choices to accelerate your business needs. |
Flutter's Multi-Child Layout Algorithm – Scott Stoll, DevAngels London | We've all fought the RenderFlex Dragon, but do you really understand what's going on, deep inside the belly of this beast? Knowing what the algorithm is doing, or was doing when it all went wrong, can help a lot when you're dealing with "The Red Screen of Death". |
Lunch | |
Adding analytics to your applications with GCP – Mike Nimer, Google | You've launched your app and now you want to start pulling analytics out of the data or perhaps you want to start building ML models with the application data - without slowing down the performance of the application. How? In this session I will cover the different analytic tools on GCP, what you can do with these tools, and discuss multiple ways to sync your data. |
Better Devs, Better Teams: Lessons in Growth Through Apprenticeship – Jen Socia, Detroit Labs | I’ve been an apprentice, a developer, and a leader, and one thing is clear: people want to have a meaningful impact when they join an organization, and they don’t always know how. Through a decade of helping organizations grow through apprenticeship, I’ve learned many common pitfalls and areas of opportunity as we build our teams. Where we fall short might surprise you (hint: it’s rarely the code itself). So let me spare you some pain and share some actionable takeaways from my experience at all levels of an organization. Whether you’re a new developer hoping to bolster your career, a seasoned dev interested in making your team more productive, or you’re responsible for growing a department, I’ve got something for you! |
A comparison of Serverless infrastructure providers – Vagish Vela | We first will look at what serverless is briefly, then move onto a high level comparison focused on the technical capabilities of the serverless infrastructure providers (for example, cold boot times, packaging/dockerization capabilities, speed, security, etc.), the use cases for where they can be used. There will be some minor code demonstrations to show how the code looks different for the different serverless architectures. |
Firebase Events & Remote Config – Dave Koziol, Little Caesars | This talk will cover the use of Firebase at scale to handle configuration of features and analytics for the Little Caesars consumer app. We'll talk about how we use Firebase events to build a picture of our customers usage of our app, looking at data in both the Firebase console and BigQuery. We'll explain how we use Remote Config to control features, and country specific configurations, and how we are building on Remote Config to A/B Test new features for our pizza loving customers. |
Ask Anything Golang – David Renne | Open discussion of Golang |
Building Teams in the Work-From-Home Era – Derek DeJonghe, Right Brain Networks | # Overview The way we work has changed, so let's talk about it. We're now in the work-from-home era, things will never be the same, cat's out of the bag. As we look at how we build teams we need to adjust our approach to fit the needs of the team in this new environment. # Hiring The personalities we're looking for may need a slight adjustment. I'm no longer interested in rock-stars, I'd rather invest in the growth of a team player. When looking for a team member that has potential, and is worthy of investment, you need to adjust your technical interviews. I've never been a fan of the live coding interview. I'll share a horror story about my in-person interview at Netflix in 2015, and discuss how I run technical interviews after years of experience on both sides of the table. # Team Building & Cohesion How, in the work from home era, do we build the bonds between co-workers that used to come from being cubicle/desk neighbors, or break-room buddies? I think we've figured it out, and I'd like to share this with you. It has a lot to do with the tools that your team uses, and how they use them. Next we'll talk about how work gets done. Paired programming is extremely effective, but it doesn't have to be 100% of the time. Pairing engineers on specific tasks or blockers, while primarily working solo can still be extremely effective. When your team members are closer to each other, they make a stronger team, and produce a better product. # The New Work Life Balance "I want a healthy work-life balance" is something you'd hear from almost every candidate that you interview. What they meant was that they wanted a hard delineation between work time and home time. This has changed since the start of work from home, but I don't think everyone has realized it yet. The new work-life balance is fluid rather than rigid. People now want the ability to be present in their homes, take care of their families, and do of what needs to be done in their lives when it needs to be done. In exchange for leniency in how and when they do their work, they're much more amicable to being called on for tasks that need to happen outside the 9-5. This new fluidity is something management can't strictly control, if you track who's chat status is strictly active and hound people about their presents they'll find work elsewhere. So how do you cultivate a culture, and hire the people that won't steal time from the company? How do you build a workplace within your employee's homes where they want to work, where they feel respected, and they feel responsible for contributing to the organization? # Closing Thoughts With these observations from the field, my hope is that I've impressed upon you the inevitability of change in the workplace and given you some tools and ideas to make an impact in your own organization. |
JAMstackin' using the GCP – Amit Rathi, The Mobile Dev | JAMstack (JavaScript + APIs + Markup) is an architecture design that separates client-side and server-side code and logic to provide fast and secure experiences to developers and users. With a decoupled architecture, the front-end can focus on consuming data and displaying it, and the back-end can focus on providing the data. This talk will review the core concepts of the JAMstack architecture and its implementation on the GCP. |
Getting to know Docker for .NET developers – Dani Sarfati, Little Caesars | This is a beginners guide to containerization using docker, focused on .NET core applications. This talk covers architecture of docker, how to build a container, some handy docker commands and touches on running the container through Kubernetes, one production level docker engine. |
Wrap Up | |