Google I/O Extended 2019 Ann Arbor Live

GDG Ann Arbor

Google I/O is one of Google's most important yearly conferences where they announce new technologies, including things related to Android, Chrome, Web, Auto and more. The conference keynotes are live streamed and we are gathering to watch and learn about the new things together. Come hang out with other Google developers and see what's new. We'll start with food at 12:30 and the main keynote from

May 7, 2019, 4:30 – 11:00 PM

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

AndroidCloudMachine LearningWeb

About this event

Google I/O is one of Google's most important yearly conferences where they announce new technologies, including things related to Android, Chrome, Web, Auto and more. The conference keynotes are live streamed and we are gathering to watch and learn about the new things together. Come hang out with other Google developers and see what's new.

We'll start with food at 12:30 and the main keynote from 1pm-2:30, the developer keynote from 3:45pm-4:45 and What's New in Android from 5pm-6 and we'll finish with What's New with Chrome and the Web from 6pm-7.

Feel free to pop in and out. We'll have some tables setup, and you can just hang out with your laptop.


  • Dave Koziol

    Little Caesars

    GDG Organizer

  • Jingran Wang

    Flutter/Android Developer

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