Google Announcement

GDG Ann Arbor

Google will be announcing a new phone and other interesting products October 4th. Join fellow Google Developer Group Ann Arbor Android Developers for lunch and refreshments at Arbormoon's offices while we watch the announcement and discuss the implications. Will there be a new Pixel phone? Funny you should ask...

Oct 4, 2017, 3:30 – 5:30 PM


Key Themes

About this event

Google will be announcing a new phone and other interesting products October 4th. 

Join fellow Google Developer Group Ann Arbor Android Developers for lunch and refreshments at Arbormoon's offices while we watch the announcement and discuss the implications. 

Will there be a new Pixel phone? Funny you should ask...


  • Dave Koziol

    Little Caesars

    GDG Organizer

  • Jingran Wang

    Flutter/Android Developer

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