Detecting Cancer with TensorFlow

GDG Ann Arbor

Food will be provided by Arbormoon Software ( at 1:30, with the presentation on Detecting Cancer with TensorFlow by Josh Gordon starting at 2:00. A deep dive into recent work in medical imaging, where TensorFlow was used to assist physicians diagnose disease. I'll cover both the technology - and importantly - the problem solving process of thoughtfully applying it to sol

Feb 17, 2018, 6:30 – 8:00 PM


Key Themes

About this event

Food will be provided by Arbormoon Software ( at 1:30, with the presentation on Detecting Cancer with TensorFlow by Josh Gordon starting at 2:00.

A deep dive into recent work in medical imaging, where TensorFlow was used to assist physicians diagnose disease. I'll cover both the technology - and importantly - the problem solving process of thoughtfully applying it to solve a meaningful problem. At the end, I'll close with my favorite educational resources you can use to learn more about this important area. Josh Gordon works on the TensorFlow team at Google, and teaches Deep Learning at Pace University. He has over a decade of machine learning experience to share. You can find him on YouTube ( and Twitter (@random_forests).


  • Dave Koziol

    Little Caesars

    GDG Organizer

  • Jingran Wang

    Flutter/Android Developer

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