[Group 2] Cloud Study Jam: Exploring the Cryptocurrency Datasets in BigQuery

GDG Almaty

Blockchain and related technologies, such as distributed ledger and distributed apps, are becoming new value drivers and solution priorities in many industries. In this Quest you will gain hands-on experience with distributed ledger and the exploration of blockchain datasets in Google Cloud. This Quest brings the research and solution

Sep 22, 2022, 8:00 – 10:00 AM

42 RSVP'd

Key Themes

Certification PrepCloudCloud Study Jam

About this event



This lab lets you explore the six cryptocurrency blockchain datasets released publically in BigQuery. This was introduced in the blog post Introducing six new cryptocurrencies in BigQuery Public Datasets—and how to analyze them

This is a challenge lab. This means you will not be given all the parts to tasks that are marked. You must have working knowledge of SQL.

The following is from the blog post, please read to understand the background of the lab:

Since they emerged in 2009, cryptocurrencies have experienced their share of volatility—and are a continual source of fascination. In the past year, as part of the BigQuery Public Datasets program, Google Cloud released datasets consisting of the blockchain transaction history for Bitcoin and Ethereum, to help you better understand cryptocurrency. Today, we're releasing an additional six cryptocurrency blockchains.

We are also including a set of queries and views that map all blockchain datasets to a double-entry book data structure that enables multi-chain meta-analyses, as well as integration with conventional financial record processing systems.

Additional blockchain datasets

The six cryptocurrency blockchain datasets we’re releasing today are Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Dogecoin, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, and Zcash.


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  • Alina Achilova

    GDG Almaty

    GDG Organizer & AlmaU IT Mentor

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    Doro AI


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