Let's Droid: Building Flutter and Firebase apps using FlutterFlow

GDG Algiers

After the success gained by the first session of this mystery project, we are back with the second session which will be Building Flutter and Firebase apps using FlutterFlow where attendies will learn how Flutterflow allows building apps fast with a drop and drug interface. The session will be fully bigginer and will be presented by Abel MENGISTU, cofounder of FlutterFlow.

Oct 22, 2021, 8:00 – 9:30 PM (UTC)

6 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

Let’s Droid will be a series of posts each week on our social media where we will provide content such as tips, code quizzes, and other info about mobile development, a session of live-streaming held by experts will be joint with this activity, it will be presented on Twitch.

The main objective of this activity is to provide content to the local mobile dev community through different formats.

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