ONLINE Rapid Prototyping with Flutter and Firebase - Paul Ruiz @Google

GDG Alexandria

Hello GDG & WTM Alexandria Flutter and Firebase enthusiasts, Let’s talk about Rapid Prototyping using Flutter and Firebase with our speaker Paul Ruiz @Google. Paul is a Developer Programs Engineer on Firebase with a background in Android and IoT development. Outside of work he makes movie props as a hobby, and is a member of a Star Wars costuming charity where he volunteers at events as various

Jul 14, 2020, 10:00 PM – Jul 15, 2020, 1:00 AM

5 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event

Hello GDG & WTM Alexandria Flutter and Firebase enthusiasts,

Let’s talk about Rapid Prototyping using Flutter and Firebase with our speaker Paul Ruiz @Google.
Paul is a Developer Programs Engineer on Firebase with a background in Android and IoT development. Outside of work he makes movie props as a hobby, and is a member of a Star Wars costuming charity where he volunteers at events as various movie characters including an Imperial Snowtrooper, X-Wing Pilot, or Tusken Raider. Before getting into tech Paul was a zookeeper, so feel free to ask any giraffe-related questions.

Do you ever need to make an app quickly, such as for a hackathon or prototype, but not know where to start? In this talk you will learn about Flutter, Google's cross-OS development platform, as well as Firebase, Google's Backend as a Service (BaaS) platform, and how they can be used to quickly take your ideas and turn them into beautiful and functional prototypes.

WTM Alexandria will be co-hosting this special online Flutter and Firebase Study Jam in conjunction with Capital Regional GDG, GDG Memphis, GDG Cloud Fredericton, WTM Toronto, and GDG Winnipeg.
*** Due to Coronavirus and to protect the health and safety of our community
we are hosting our meetup online. It will be hosted via Google Meet. ***
*** You will be able to access the link after you RSVP. ***
12:00 AM – 12:30 AM: Opening Remarks, Meetup announcements
12:30 AM – 1:30 AM: Paul Ruiz - Prototyping with Flutter and Firebase
1:30 AM – 2:30 AM: Codelab - Learn Flutter & Dart - Build an IOS & Android app
2:30 AM – 2:45 AM: Raffle time. Win a prize!
2:45 AM– 3:00 AM: Meetup wrap-up, closing comments

Wednesday, July 15, 2020
12:00 AM to 3:00 AM
(We know It's midnight but it's the best fit to the different timezones participating in this event, sorry ^_^ )
Where: ***Link TBD soon***
This is an online event. You will be able to access the link after you RSVP.
See you online!

Github Repo - Flutter Monthly Meetup Activity and Code Snippets.

Environment setup:
The event will be hands-on, so make sure to bring your laptop and set up your environment in advance and be ready to code. Feel free to bring your own laptop to follow along with Flutter installed .
For the Flutter Codelab, please do the following:
You need two pieces of software to complete this lab: the Flutter SDK, and an editor.

This codelab assumes Android Studio/Visual Studio Code, but you can use your preferred editor.
You can run this Codelab using any of the following devices:
- A physical device ( Android or iOS ) connected to your computer and set to developer mode.
- The iOS simulator (Requires installing XCode tools.)
-The Android emulator (Requires setup in Android Studio.)

For the App Engine Codelab, please sign up for a Google Cloud Platform free account, and have a browser and editor ready to go.
For the Actions Codelab, please sign up for a Google Cloud Platform free account, and have a browser ready to go.


  • Eslam Saeed


    GDG Organizer

  • Heba Saleh

    G4S Egypt / GDG Alexandria

    GDG Organizer / WTM Lead

  • Eman Elrefai

    GDG Organizer

  • Wessam Elsharawy

    GDG Organizer

  • Ahmed Fathy

    Software engineer | Flutter developer

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