Build With AI | Workshops & Hachathon, Omar Lotfy, Al Azaritah WA Ash Shatebi, Bab Sharqi, Alexandia, 21526, Alexandria, 21526

GDG Alexandria

There are three workshop series each month. The first series targets the beginners in May, the second for the intermediate level in June, and the last one for the advanced level in July. It will be about 9 sessions starting from the beginning to advance. Then conclude it with big hackathon available for everyone to participate.

May 10, 10:38 AM – Jul 26, 10:38 AM (UTC)

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Key Themes

Build with AI

About this event

There are three workshop series each month. The first series targets the beginners in May, the second for the intermediate level in June, and the last one for the advanced level in July. It will be about 9 sessions starting from the beginning to advance. Then conclude it with big hackathon available for everyone to participate. 


  • Eman Elrefai


  • Eman Elrefai


  • Eslam Saeed


    GDG Organizer

  • Heba Saleh

    GDG Alexandria

    GDG Organizer / WTM Lead

  • Eman Elrefai

    GDG Organizer

  • Wessam Elsharawy

    GDG Organizer

  • Ahmed Fathy

    Software engineer | Flutter developer

  • Logyn Medhat

    Riada American school

    Robotics Teacher

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