8 RSVP'd
September's event will feature presentations from:
Ben Lieberman - Advantages of functional programming.
What it is, how it compares to other programming paradigms (i.e. procedural, object-oriented, logic etc.), and the current landscape of functional or functional-adjacent languages.
Robert Inez - Mastering the Command Line: A Developer's Guide to Productivity.
Regardless of your specialization, the terminal holds the key to streamlining your workflow. Discover powerful commands, master the art of command combination, and harness the potential of redirecting and storing command outputs. Ready to take it a step further? Learn how to design your own CLI tools using packages like CommanderJS. Elevate your coding experience through the command line world!
As always, we love to feature our community - Sign up now to give a Lightning Talk! Reach out to us, or bring your slides and be prepared to observe the 5 minute cutoff.
Thank you to our partners at Q Station for their support! - Q Station is designed to allow government, businesses, academia and organizations to collaborate, create and innovate in new ways. We work together to push innovation faster, developing technology the future needs now. We do it through partnerships, networking and leveraging those around us on a daily basis. It is a place where the strengths of all these groups can be leveraged for greater impact.
For more information please visit - https://www.qstation.tech/
Q Station is located @ 3225 Central Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106
Dispersed Street Parking Available
Event starts at 6pm, presentations begin at 6:30.
Want to give a talk? Or a lightning Talk? Reach out, we would love to feature you!
Friday, September 8, 2023
12:00 AM – 2:00 AM (UTC)
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