Jenkins : Automating the Continuous Integration of Android App

GDG Ahmedabad

**[UPDATE]:** **1) We have increased the seats. If you are in waitlist kindly contact us if you really want to attend this session.** **2) Those who have RSVPed and will not be able to attend this session, kindly change your RSVP from Yes to No.** **3) Before coming for an event. Kindly go through the Event description carefully. ** **_ _** **_IMPORTANT: This event is not for Students, but

Jul 8, 2017, 4:00 – 6:00 AM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event


1)  We have increased the seats. If you are in waitlist kindly contact us if you really want to attend this session.

2) Those who have RSVPed and will not be able to attend this session, kindly change your RSVP from Yes to No.

3) Before coming for an event. Kindly go through the Event description carefully. 

IMPORTANT: This event is not for Students, but for only experienced professionals.

Talk Abstract: 

Jenkins is open source tool to perform continuous integration and build automation. Jenkins is a  piece of software and has a large number of available plugins to make developer life easier. It is is a Java-first Continuous Integration platform and already has fantastic support for Gradle. 
So this topic covers,

1. Configuring Jenkins

2. Configuring Android Project  

3. Configuring Android Project with Git


Android SDK installed
Git installed
JDK installed

Speaker: Sanjana Tailor

She is an Android Developer and developing applications since 4 years. She is working in "OneAdvanced". She likes to explorer new technical things in Mobile platform which helps others to work in ease & to share things and discussion with IT professionals.


  • Paresh Mayani



  • Jaldeep Asodariya


    GDG Organizer

  • Utpal betai


    GDG Organizer

  • Khushbu Thakker

    Hyperlink Infosystem

    Software Engineer

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