Google I/O 2023 extended

Vamdas Entertainment | Megenagna | ቫምዳስ ኢንተርቴንመንት| መገናኛ, the route that connects 22 and Megenagna, አዲስ አበባ, 10000

GDG Addis

Google I/O 2023 Extended is a global event showcasing Google products and platforms, including Flutter, web development, machine learning, and Google Assistant, for developers to explore cutting-edge technologies.

Aug 5, 2023, 6:00 AM – 1:00 PM (UTC)

386 RSVP'd

Key Themes

CloudFlutterGoogle AssistantGoogle I/O ExtendedMachine LearningTensorFlowWeb

About this event

Welcome to Google I/O 2023 Extended, a global event that brings together developers to examine the most recent technological developments. This event showcases various Google products and platforms, including Flutter, a popular open-source UI toolkit for building beautiful native applications for mobile, web, and desktop. Attendees at Google I/O Extended have the opportunity to dive deep into Flutter and learn about its cross-platform capabilities, enabling them to create stunning user interfaces across multiple devices. Additionally, the event covers topics like web development, highlighting the latest tools and frameworks for building robust and responsive websites. Furthermore, machine learning is a key focus at Google I/O Extended, as developers discover the latest innovations and techniques to integrate intelligent features into their applications. Lastly, attendees can explore the advancements in Google Assistant, learning how to leverage this powerful voice-based technology to create interactive and personalized user experiences.


opening ceremony
Flutter by kalid Meftu
Web & How to move into the digital world by Kidus Yared
How to be an Entrepreneur By Nathan Damtew
AI & Machine Learning by Daniel Getachew
Cloud by Jonathan Samuel.
lunch Break
parallel Session 1 (A) by Daniel Getachew
parallel Session 2 (A) by Jonathan Samuel
parallel Session 2 (B) by Kidus Yared and Hanna Girma
parallel Session 1 (B) by kalid Meftu
closing program/ networking


  • kalid Meftu

    Senior Mobile Engineer, remote developer and Consultant

  • Daniel Getachew


    Founder and CEO,AI and Robotics Researcher

  • kidus yared

    At Chapa Financial Technologies / Kemassa Foods

    Engineering Lead / Co-Founder & CEO

  • Jonathan Samuel

    Safaricom Ethiopia / Chapa

    Senior Solutions Architect / Cloud Architect & Infrastructure Consultant

  • Nathan Damtew

    BeBlocky, Inc

    Founder & CEO

  • Hanna Girma

    Chapa Financial Technologies / freelancer

    Front-end Developer


  • Amanuel Teferi

    Affable / GDGAddis

    Backend Developer / Co-Organizer


  • Daniel Nigusse


    GDG Organizer

  • Mariamawit Alemu

    WTM Lead


  • Yohannes Haile

    Kemer Habesha


  • yonatan tasew

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