DevFest'24 - GDG 6 October

المعهد القومي للاتصالات National telecommunicarion institute, Abou Rawash, GIZA, 3650108

GDG 6 October

NTI, Smart village, 6th of October City, 12573

Dec 21, 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM (UTC)

308 RSVP'd

Key Themes

AIAndroidBuild with AICareer DevelopmentCloudDesignDevFestFirebaseFlutterGeminiGemmaMachine LearningMobileNetworkingWeb

About this event

GDG 6 October

DevFests are local tech conferences hosted by Google Developer Groups (GDG) around the world. Each DevFest event is crafted by its local organizers to fit the needs and interests of its local developer community. Whether it be through hands-on learning experiences, technical talks delivered in local languages by experts, or by simply meeting fellow local developers, DevFest attendees learn how to build together and innovate on Google's developer tools, so don’t miss this opportunity and reserve your spot ASAP now ✔️👇

انضم معانا لأكبر واهم event فى السنه كلها وإلى بتنظمه كل ال GDGs حوالين العالم كله علشان نتعرف اكتر عن آخر التطورات والتكنولوجيا إلى بتقدمها جوجل كل سنة سواء عن طريق الـ Live talks أو حتى ورش العمل إلى بتخليك كمان تجرب بايدك ، وجودك معانا فى ال event بيديك الفرصه انك تتعلم وتطور من مهاراتك وكمان تبقى على تواصل مع كل المطورين والمهتمين بالمجال ، متفوتش الفرصه وسجل دلوقتي واحجز مكانك


Topics Covered :

- Flutter

- FireBase

- Gemini & Gemma

- Google Cloud

- Machine Learning

- Web Technologies

- Cyber Security

& much more...


First come First serve 🗓️

Register here and wait for a confirmation mail within the next few days :


  • Ahmed Alfy

    CTO @Robusta

  • Tarek Alabd

    Flutter & Dart GDE (Google Developer Expert)

  • Abdelrahman Awad

    Senior Software Engineer @Rasayel

  • Shady Selim

    Cross Workers

    leader of Android Principle

  • Youssef Ahmed Guba

    Abwaab Egypt

    Mobile App Developer

  • Enes Turan


    Cloud Engineer, Google Developer Expert

  • Mariam Aslam

    Google Developer Expert - Firebase

    Lead SDET

  • Ayman Taher

    CEO @Syntax

  • Ahmed Magdy


    Head of Information Security

  • Omar M. fathy


    DevOps Engineer

  • AbdelAzeem Kuratem

    Mobile Team Lead @Taxi - اجرة

  • Nour Magdy

    Software Architect @Technopolitan

  • Mohamed Abo el Maaty Zaky

    Miramar Cairo

    Mobile App Developer

  • Amr Helal

    Founder @Dotpy

  • Youseef Mahfouz

    Software Tester @Fixed Solutions

  • Ziad Khaled

    Mobile Team Lead @Design Beats

  • Mahmoud Alaa


    Senior Flutter Developer


National Telecommunication Institute ( NTI ) logo

National Telecommunication Institute ( NTI )


  • Ahmed Fekry

    Chapter Leader | GDG Organizer | Mobile Developer

  • Mohamed Abo el Maaty Zaky

    Miramar Cairo

    Flutter Developer

  • Asmaa Nasser


    GDG Organizer

  • Mahmoud Alaa


    GDG Organizer | Speaker

  • lobna ibrahem

    VOIS Egypt

    GDG Organizer | WTM Ambassador

  • ِAlaa Osama

    Faculty of science helwan university

    Teacher assistant

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