WTM Remote: Learning 4.0: how to transform our educational system?

Women Techmakers Hamburg

* REMOTE: The workshop will be executed via zoom. Please make sure to register via https://moinworld.de/developer-meetups-hamburg/ to get the zoom link in an email notification on the day of the meetup.* Now that Corona puts the German education system to the test we want to use the chance to discuss how we can improve on digital teaching and learning. \--------- #In an era when all of the huma

Apr 1, 2020, 3:30 – 4:15 PM

13 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event

* REMOTE: The workshop will be executed via zoom. Please make sure to register via https://moinworld.de/developer-meetups-hamburg/ to get the zoom link in an email notification on the day of the meetup.*

Now that Corona puts the German education system to the test we want to use the chance to discuss how we can improve on digital teaching and learning.


#In an era when all of the human knowledge is freely available online, and the nature of work is fundamentally changing, how does the education system need to evolve to reflect our new realities? How do we meet the tech skills required for the digital economy?

#How do you think we could improve the schools to have better-prepared citizens in the future?

#How do you think we could address the topics of empowerment and technology at an early stage of education?

#How do we meet the tech skills required for the digital economy?

.. are questions we want to discuss with you.


# Agenda

- Welcome
- Introduction to the topic
- Discussion in small groups
- Wrap up + group discussion
- Closing


About the speakers:

Daniella Cunha Teichert

Electrical Engineer, corporate change agent, mother of 2 children and learning affictionate. Daniella is passionate for learning, participation, self-development and unleashing the potential that collaboration can bring to the school environment. She is an advocate for communication in eye level and is bringing this to schools, universities and the corporate world. She dreams of a school environment where children are free to explore their passions, following their hearts and helping each other to learn with and from each other, connecting boundaries.

Barbara Hilgert

Barbara is mum of three kids, agile coach and trainer of teachers. She wants to change something in the education area because she believes the actual education system is wasting the potential of our kids. They are all full of competencies and innovational ideas which they forget when they start with a school in actual form.


  • Julia Heidinger

    Social Developers Club


  • Florentine Draeger

    GDG + WTM Organiser

  • Ellen Schwartau


    Senior Software Engineer

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