Hey everyone! It's time for our first post-IO meetup. Come hear about animations and layouts in Android. 19.00 -> meet and greet 19.15 -> "From 0 to Material Motion: Creating Animations and Transitions" by Jossi Wolf 20.00 -> "Constraint Layout" by Angelo Rüggeberg As always, if you want to demo, talk about, ask questions for your hobby projects let us know. There's always time for
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Hey everyone! It's time for our first post-IO meetup. Come hear about animations and layouts in Android.
19.00 -> meet and greet
19.15 -> "From 0 to Material Motion: Creating Animations and Transitions" by Jossi Wolf
20.00 -> "Constraint Layout" by Angelo Rüggeberg
As always, if you want to demo, talk about, ask questions for your hobby projects let us know. There's always time for demos!
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