Current status of quantum computing and quantum communication This will be a very general talk and anyone can attend. The idea is to share some of the developments in this field and what people around the world are doing.
10 RSVP'd
Quantum technologies are expected to revolutionize our technological development in the coming decades. It is expected that industry-scale impact would be seen in chemistry, logistics, finance, advanced computing, communication, to list a few. This talk aims to give a broad perspective of the 'Current status of quantum computing and quantum communication'. This will be a very general talk and anyone can attend. The idea is to share some of the developments in this field and what activities are being undertaken across the globe."
Thursday, April 7, 2022
6:50 AM – 7:50 AM (UTC)
6:50 AM | Current status of quantum computing and quantum communication |
Hargeisa Hub
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