Authentication and authorization can be daunting topics for many developers, including those of us working in the landscape of web apps. How does cookie-based authentication work? How does token-based authentication work? Jargon and acronyms (OAuth, OIDC, JWT, IETF)? Don't store tokens in local storage? New SPA authorization best practices from the IETF?! What are the shortcomings and advantages w
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Authentication and authorization can be daunting topics for many developers, including those of us working in the landscape of web apps. How does cookie-based authentication work? How does token-based authentication work? Jargon and acronyms (OAuth, OIDC, JWT, IETF)? Don't store tokens in local storage? New SPA authorization best practices from the IETF?! What are the shortcomings and advantages we need to consider when adding authentication to JavaScript Applications? I'll demystify the terminology and concepts of authentication and authorization and talk about how modern web application security can be implemented easily with authorization servers.
Kim Maida is a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies and leads Developer Relations at Auth0. She's passionate about identity, authentication, constant learning, and developer communities. As a developer and international speaker, she loves learning from and sharing with other inhabitants of the tech space. She also enjoys mentoring engineers who are interested in leadership.
Food will be provided by Arbormoon Software ( at 6:30, with the presentation starting at 7:00.
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